In 2020 I started a PhD at Western Sydney University, Australia. My research is focused on Exploring the experiences of people with disability who access sex worker service, in Australia. Please go to the PASA-Research page for more information and updates.
Previous education and qualifications include: Master of Philosophy (Medicine): University of Sydney, Australia, Graduate Diploma in Sexual Health : Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney (Australia), The Sexual Attitude Reassessment Training (SAR), Diploma in Community Education, Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training, and three years fulfilling most units within a Bachelor of Arts, Psychology.
Wotton, R. (2016). Sex workers who provide services to clients with disability in New South Wales, Australia. (Masters of Philosophy). University of Sydney.
Journal Articles
Wotton R. (2005). The relationship between street-based sex workers and the police in the effectiveness of HIV prevention strategies. Research for Sex Work, 8, 11-13. Available at:
Book Chapters
Wotton R; (2021) Paid Sexual Services Available for People with Disability: Exploring the Range of Modalities Offered Throughout the World, Book chapter, (Ed) Shuttleworth, R & Mona, L; Routledge Handbook of Disability and Sexuality.
Wotton R, & Isbister S; Chapter 25. Le travail du sexe aupres de client.e.s ayant un handicap, 2010;
Mensah, M. N., Thiboutot, C., & Toupin, L. (2011). Luttes XXX: Inspirations du mouvement des travailleuses du sexe. les Éd. du Remue-ménage diff. DNM. [in French] ISBN: 978-2-89091-323-3
[XXX Struggles: Inspirations from the sex worker movement]
Wotton, R. & Isbister, S. 2010. A sex worker perspective on working with clients with a disability and the development of Touching Base Inc. In: Russell Shuttleworth & Teela Sanders (ed.) Sex & Disability: Politics, Identity and Access. Leeds: The Disability Press. ISBN: 0-95-490266-1
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Wotton R; The Winston Churchill Fellowship Trust of Australia Final Report. To review training programs for sex workers providing services to clients with disability, published 2017; Available at:
Wotton, R. (2014). Providing sexual services to clients with disability. In Plainspeak, Sexuality & Disability Edition, TARSHI (Talking About Reproductive and Sexual Health Issues).