Welcome to my website! This is the place where I get to share different elements of my professional life.
I’ve held many roles over the years: sex worker, academic, consultant, activist, educator and public speaker. This page gives a brief summary of some of those activities, with other pages listing conferences, guest lectures / presentations and media I have been involved in. There’s a dedicated page specifically for the documentary I was featured in, Scarlet Road.
Currently I am currently a PhD candidate at Western Sydney University (WSU), Australia. My research is about exploring the experiences of people with disability who access sex worker services, in Australia. The PASA-Research page hosts all information, documents and findings related to my research. This includes the online survey link, Participant Information Sheet (including an Easy Read version), consent form and contact details.
I was also honoured to be granted a Churchill Fellowship in 2016. My report, outlining who I met and where I travelled to in 2017, can be found on my Academia & Publications page. This page includes my Masters by Research thesis, Sex workers who provide services to clients with disability in New South Wales, Australia.
I am also a sex worker, having lived and worked throughout Australia and overseas, for over two decades. I still work as an independent sex worker and am happy to see both my regular clients and new people. Please see my Contact Me page to fill out my inquiry form or call me for a booking inquiry.
As a sex worker, activist and educator I have been involved with local, state and federal sex worker organisations. I have also enjoyed many opportunities to present at local, national and international conferences, while networking with friends and colleagues from around the globe. Some of these are listed on my Conferences page.
I have previously been employed at the Sex Workers Outreach Project : SWOP NSW (1997- 2007). Positions included the Sex Work and Massage (SWAM) Project Officer, Private Worker Project Officer and working within the Women’s Metropolitan Outreach Team.
I have also held the volunteer position of International Spokesperson for Scarlet Alliance – the Australian Sex Worker Association, for 5 years (2003-2007).
Additionally, was a founding member of Touching Base Inc, and remained a Committee Member for 20 years (2000-2020). Based in Sydney, Australia the organisation aims to bring people with disability and sex workers together to advocate for the rights for both marginalised communities and to decrease stigma and discrimination. Roles held during that time included the Sex Worker Referral List Operator and the Training Coordinator. I also helped design, facilitate and deliver workshops to both sex workers and disability service providers (PDAT and SPAT workshops).

Mardi Gras 2010
Credit: © Mark Dickson (Deep Field Photography)